We provide high-quality, pure raw unfiltered honey, honeycombs, hive rental services, and NUCs at competitive prices. Our products are conveniently available on Facebook Marketplace to ensure cost-effectiveness or contact us by email bhp@creeksidebloom.com

Complimentary delivery is offered within St. Johns, Michigan, for orders exceeding $25.00. 

We accept payments via cash, Cash App, and Venmo for your convenience.



Product Price
Raw unfiltered honey 1lb $8.00
Raw unfiltered honey with comb 1lb $12.00
Raw unfiltered creamed honey 1 lb $9.00
Honeycomb $1.00 per ounce 6-10 ounce containers
NUC's $180.00
Hives for Hire Contact us for more information
BYOC- Bring your own container and we will fill it by the lb. Our way to help the environment-Reduce reuse recycle!! $8.00 per lb
Bulk Honey Contact us for more information